We share our human stories and experience because we believe God is again and again prepared to meet humanity in its place of being. We hope to share our encounters of faith because they have shaped our identity. We are not an exclusive community with the tag-line my church because we recognise it is always your church too.

We also recognise that any relationship is one of giving and receiving. We celebrate and appreciate all that people have done and do to make Holy Trinity the place it is. We do not have a story to share of how we have found all the answers or discovered a magical formula that makes life easy. 

What we have is what you have...a story that has value because our lives matter to God and each of our stories is precious to God. All are invited to participate in God’s story. We value people of all ages and stages of life in our community because learning between generations helps us grow as people. Our weekly day centre for over 60s, Trinity Care Service, helps us to care and love our older members, the elders, of the local community.

Being welcomed is integral to our identity as a church, as well as helping the stranger to become a friend and genuinely caring for others. Holy Trinity seeks to be a place of hospitality and community with a culture striving to be creative, open and authentic.